“Begin at the beginning,”the King said, gravely,
“and go on till you come to the end;then stop”.
您也許曾經在自己文章的段落間掙扎徘徊,只為了希望將文句修改地更為流暢。您或許也曾經因為自己文章的內容看起來缺乏條理而傷透腦經。現在,我們討論能轉動文章且賦予文章主題的兩大武器 ─ 凝聚力(cohesion)與條理(coherence)。
Ⅰ. 我們通常會因為一個句子如何結尾與下一個句子如何開頭,判斷句子是否有凝聚力。
Ⅱ. 我們通常會根據段落內所有的句子整體上是如何開頭的,判斷文章是否有條理。
Some astonishing questions about the nature of the universe have been raised by scientists studying black holes in space. 1aThe collapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble creates a black hole. So much matter compressed into so little volume changes the fabric of space around it in puzzling ways.
Some astonishing questions about the nature of the universe have been raised by scientists studying black holes in space. 1bA black hole is created by the collapse of a dead star into a point perhaps no larger than a marble. So much matter compressed into so little volume changes the fabric of space around it in puzzling ways.
試著閱讀這兩個段落,您也許會發現第二個相較第一個流暢,而閱讀第一個段落甚至還令人有被打斷的感覺!原因就在於1b句子的開頭與前一個句子的結尾相呼應,但1a沒有。尾頭相連能使讀者輕易追隨作者的步伐,並提昇文章的流動感。然而這裡有一點值得特別注意,若單獨分析句子,我們希望盡量避免1b的被動句型,但由於使用1b能確實提昇句子的流動感(減少中斷),因此 在此處1b的被動句型反而會比1a的主動句型更佳。
我們至此已經介紹了提昇流動感的一個原則 ─ 「尾頭相連」。另一重要的個原則是,「老至新」。什麼是「老至新」?意思是:
1. 用讀者熟悉的事物作為句子的開頭。
2. 以讀者陌生的事物作為句子的結束。
Competition by Asian companies with American companies in the Pacific is the first phase of this study. Labor costs and the ability to introduce new products quickly in particular are examined. A plan that will show American industry how to restructure its facilities will be developed from this study.
In the first phase of this study, we examine how Asian companies compete with American companies in the Pacific region. We examine in particular their labor costs and ability to introduce new products quickly. We develop from this study a plan that will show American industry how to restructure its facilities.
另外,許多文章都會出現一個常見的寫作習慣,稱為「清喉嚨」。「清喉嚨」是作者在寫作過程中,將思考活動或自身的立場加至文體內的行為。常見的比如有:and, but, therefore, fortunately, perhaps, allegedly, it is important to note, for the most part, or politically speaking。最後形成像這類的句子:
And therefore, politically speaking, in Eastern states since 1980, acid rain has become a serious problem.
Since 1980, therefore, acid rain has become serious political problem in Eastern states.